standard installation, PrtScr is set to load itself at Windows startup,
and replaces your normal screen printing. Of course, you still have the
option to
load it manually, and assign your own hotkey.
To make a normal
capture, press Prt Scr, optionally draw some annotation (using the
right mouse button), then select the part to grab using the left mouse
button. Hold CTRL while clicking to make rectangle annotations
The little reminder window displayed on the right
fortunately fades out when you approach it, so that you can capture
what's behind.
In order to capture the topmost window, use the
standard ALT+Prt Scr (a lot of people aren't aware of this hotkey,
but yes it's a standard) or, if you defined another hotkey, press
Tip: for a quick,
full-screen capture,
press Prt Scr twice, or press Prt Scr, then press Space, or Return, or
simply press the left mouse button once (if the selection is too small,
PrtScr will capture the whole screen).
your capture is done, you have several options. A single click will
send your capture to your desktop. Other commands let you save your
capture in other formats, email it as an attachment, edit &
it (the behavior depending on what your system has linked to the JPG,
& BMP image formats).
& BMP formats are opaque, that is,
even if you made a freehand selection, the bitmap will be rectangle (it
will include the part around the selection nicely blurred). The PNG
format allows saving the selection along with its alpha channel. As a
reminder, JPG is a lossy format, while BMP & PNG are lossless
formats. To send through the internet, JPG or PNG are the best options.
fancy, giggling capture preview can also be clicked & dragged
other tools. Note that the shadow around the capture preview is eye
candy that won't appear in your final result.
PrtScr will
(optionally) pre-fill the title entry with the title of the topmost
window, and the comment entry with its URL if that window is a browser
(so that you know where that screenshot came from). The title entry is
used to compute capture filenames when necessary, while the content of
the comment entry will be written at the bottom-left of the final
capture. Both title & comment entries are optional, though.
Capture files are stored (when necessary) in your local documents
folder, in the 'My Screen Captures' folder.
also acts as a magnifier. Within a capture, press one of the (many)
zoom keys to zoom in/out. You may also enter the zoom mode directly by
using Ctrl+Prt Scr (or Ctrl+your own shortcut key). Click & drag
to pan the view around.
This mode
allows you to read pixel coordinates, measure rectangles, read pixel
colors, or average pixel colors (if a selection is made). This
magnifier mode is
very useful for GUI or web designers to check accuracy.
the captured color is always copied (has hexadecimal RGB) to the text
clipboard. So you may simply escape the magnifier mode (Escape) and
paste the color value. Also, it's formatted as BBGGRR, you might have to flip BB & RR depending on what you're doing.
Keyboard shortcuts
(Left Mouse Button): selects the zone to capture and completes the
capture (so this should be your last step)
(Right Mouse Button): draws annotations over pre-capture
selects/draws rectangle
wheel: changes thickness of annotation ink
deletes most recent annotation ink |
cancels capture |
Return, Space: selects
whole screen for capture |
Scr: captures topmost window only |
(Ctrl+)mouse wheel, NumPad +/-, PgUp/PgDn,
Home/End: zooms in/out capture |
Arrow keys: enlarges/shrinks capture |
NumPad 7/9/3/1: set capture corners |
MMB (Middle Mouse Button): toggles
resampling quality |
RMB: gets back to capture |